Aurora’s First Alternate Firmware Has Landed.


Reverb. Well…kind of.

Welcome to Aurora, a spectral reverb capable of a wide palette of sounds.


Spectral Blurring

Aurora’s spectral manipulations give you control over time and space itself.


 Voltage-Controlled Whale Songs.

From lush caverns, to alien textures you’ve never created before, Aurora gives you the tools to tailor your spectral domain.

  • Transposes the wet signal up or down 3 octaves from the original pitch. The CV input tracks 1V/oct, allowing Aurora to even act as a complementary voice.

  • Morphs between multi tap stereo delay time zones, allowing for extremely long tails from short sounds.

  • Tames or unleashes your frequency spectrum with precision filtering and harmonic additions.

  • Plays the incoming audio backwards into the signal path, allowing for reverse reverb swells.

  • Locks the incoming audio, and holds it until deactivated. Perfect for spectral drones and dynamic performance.


 USB? Yes Please.

Expand Aurora beyond what’s possible, all from the front panel.

  • Configurable settings for Blur States, Freeze Functions, and more.

  • “It just works” Firmware Updates. Simply place the file on the drive, and let Aurora do the rest.

  • Alternate Instruments, with some currently in development, and many more planned.

Aurora SDK

Everything you need to build your own instruments and effects on Aurora, thanks to the power of the Daisy platform.


 Watch The Demo


 Helping Out Our Planet, And The OG Aurora Fans.

A portion of all Aurora proceeds will go towards conserving pack ice in the artic and the polar bear population.


 Discovery. It’s why we’re here.