My Nano Rand v2 Is Not Powering.
Let’s begin by ensuring that there are no external issues causing your module by troubleshooting in 3 easy steps:
Ensure that the power cable is correctly installed with the red stripe aligned with the white box on your Qu-Bit module’s PCB. See the reference photo below:
2. Make sure that your Nano Rand’s backboard is securely connected to the front board, with all pins properly seated in their respective connectors. No pins should be outside of the connectors.
3. Make sure to troubleshoot your power supply. Try powering your module in a different slot on your PSU distribution board or bus cable, testing different power cables, and only powering your module with nothing else connected to the power supply, ensuring you are within the power consumption limits of your PSU. If the issue is isolated to your power supply, we recommend reaching out to the PSU manufacturer for additional support.