How To Install Alternate Instruments

  1. Download and unzip the desired alternate instrument for your Nebulae below.

  2. Place USB drive into your computer, and add either the .instr file or the .pd file to the drive.

  3. Eject the USB drive and replace it in your Nebulae. Hold File and press Source to reload your USB contents onto Nebulae. Your instrument is now installed and accessible on Nebulae.

How To Access Alternate Instruments

  1. Hold down the Speed Encoder for 3 seconds, until the Speed LEDs turn green. You are now in the alternate instrument menu.

  2. To access .instr files, turn the Speed encoder CCW until only the negative LED is lit. To access .pd files, turn the Speed encoder CW until only the positive LED is lit. Factory instruments are accessible when Speed is at center position, with both LEDs lit.

  3. Once on the desired file menu, select your instrument by pressing one of the LED buttons on the bottom of your Nebulae. The file order is alphabetical on your USB drive.

  4. To load the selected instrument, hold down the Speed encoder until the loading LED animation begins. Your instrument will now load and be usable. If you want to cancel your instrument selection, press the Pitch encoder to discard any changes and return to your current instrument.

Alternate Instruments

Avalon - Wavetable Synth based on WaveEdit banks

Bowed Drone - Evolving drone with bowed string qualities

Comb Warp - Spectrally enveloped oscillator banks

Drip Water - Water droplet physical model oscillator

Durm - Four voice drum machine

FM Grit - FM oscillator with extreme carrier, modulator, and index ranges

Four OSC- 4 oscillators with independent 1v/oct pitch control

Fractal Crust - Crust punk inspired morphing noise source with distortion

GENDYN - Implementation of the generation dynamique stochastique (Gendyn), a dynamic stochastic approach to waveform synthesis conceived by Iannis Xenakis

Granular Looper - Default Nebulae instrument

Mars Affects - Stereo Delay and Chorus-Like Reverb

Morphing FM - Two FM instruments that morph into a single instrument by interpolating between the amplitude and frequency of one another

One Shot - One shot sample player

Plasma Membrane - Phase modulation oscillator

Plucked Patterns - Plucked string melody generator with quantized pitch

ReconetC! - Generative dual sample slicer with 4 micro algorithms and two stereo reverbs

Rhythmic Chords - Polyphonic oscillator with rhythmic triggering

Risset Harmonic Oscillator - 9 Oscillator voice utilizing Risset’s Harmonic Arpeggio

Synth Voice - Complete monophonic synth voice with FM oscillator, low pass resonant filter, and reverb

Test IO - Audio engine testing environment

Vinyl Dust - Vinyl dust and distortion noise source

Wave Terrain - Wavetable oscillator that scans three dimensional surfaces

Wave Trauma - Harsh noise generator from sample-based source material

World of Echo - Reverb, and delay effects processor

*Note: The Nebulae Alternate Instruments are community contributions from users outside of Qu-Bit Electronix, and may include incomplete firmware and bugs, and are not subject to firmware updates unless prompted by the original instrument creator.